Radio Industry Reports Jump in Digital Ad Sales in Q3; Event/Visitor Acquisition Ads Up Too
Dec 10

The Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) recently released its Q3 2014 Revenue Report.
While overall U.S. spot radio sales were down 3% both year-over-year in Q3 and YTD 2014, there was an increase in two categories related to attendee acquisition and ticket sales in Q3 2014 vs comps: Sporting Events/Expos/Shows (+2%) and Amusement/Theme Parks/Museums (+2%).
We share these data points because even in the midst of the explosive growth of digital, mobile and social media, those charged with driving “live” attendance continue to tap traditional radio ads, along with plenty of other marketers. About $15 billion will be spent on radio ads in the U.S. in 2014 (not including off-air and digital).
We continue to use radio ads for our clients’ exhibitions and events for a variety of reasons, including high penetration of core target demos, combined with strong time spent listening (TSL). Plus spot radio CPMs continue to be very competitive.
We have also moved beyond spot radio into leveraging radio’s digital platforms, which according to the RAB report saw revenue increase 11% year-over-year in Q3 and 12% YTD 2014.
We believe radio’s digital platforms are underemployed by exhibitions and events, and suggest you look at these media formats not just as a radio advertising extension but also as a pure play digital solution.
We have been very pleased with the results from digital ad inventory sourced from radio stations, and have increased ad spend year-over-year in this area.
Posted on December 10, 2014